Disabled women learn self-defense (Article)

   I read this article and wow, it’s crazy. It talks about how people with mental disabilities have been always bullied, and this made me think. Is this what we, the society, are doing now? Take advantage of the ones that are in worse conditions than us? It is really disappointing actually. But anyway, these “adult children” as they are called in the article, live in Boca Raton, and they normally spend all day at home, which makes harder for them to have friends, because “they are too old to go to school and there are few ways for them to maintain friendships and develop social skills” as it says at the end of the article. These classes of Kra Maga doesn’t only show half an hour of personal defense, but they also have half an hour discussion with a clinical social worker that helps them telling them safety tips.But, of course, we all wonder; where does all the money come from to pay a teacher and everything? Well, actually the Jewish Women’s Foundation gave money away and created what is called SAVVY, a self-defense program, and the class are offered for women from the age of 17 up until they are 50, so everybody is able to do it. 

   I think this was really nice from them, to take so much care of people with disabilities, because, theyy don’t have a lot of people doing that, a lot of them don’t have a family or nobody cares about them. And suddently, they have a program that teaches them how to react to the bullies they have been afraid of all their lifes. This article made me still have hope on people.

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